About The Journal

Aims and Scope

Welcome to the Homepage of the New Era in Education, the official journal of the World Education Fellowship.The New Era in Education is a peer-refereed journal with international readership and authorship

Founded in 1919 as a newsletter (fact sheet), two years before the New Education Fellowship was formally launched, the journal brings together scholarly work in education. The journal was founded in the years following the end of the First World War with the aim of promoting the all round education of children and contribute to education for peace. It pursued these goals without adopting a restrictive or doctrinaire position. Consequently, it promotes interdisciplinary studies in education and continues to play a leading role in the area. The journal will publish original research and papers that discuss, analyse or evaluate policies, or those that disclose relevant gaps in existing research.


Founded in 1921, three years after the Era Journal made its debut, the World Education Fellowship is voluntary  and non-partisan, and enjoys the status of a UNESCO non-governmental organisation. It is open to educators, members of associated professions, and to all members of the public who have a common interest in education at all levels. The Fellowship meets biennially in international conferences, publishes books and pamphlets, and, through its national sections, participates in workshops, meetings and developmental projects. The Fellowship does not advocate any dogma; each member is free to put his/her principles into practices in ways which are best suited  to his/her living and working environment.

Prior to article submission, authors should clear permission to use any content that has not been created by them. Failure to do so may lead to lengthy delays in publication. The Journal is unable to publish any article which has permissions pending.
When reproducing tables, figures or excerpts (of more than 400 words) from another source, it is expected that:
  • Authors obtain the necessary written permission in advance from any third party owners of copyright for the use in print and electronic formats of any of their text, illustrations, graphics, or other material, in their manuscript. Permission must also be cleared for any minor adaptations of any work not created by them.
  • If an author adapts significantly any material, the author must inform the copyright holder of the original work.
  • Authors obtain any proof of consent statements
  • Authors must always acknowledge the source in figure captions and refer to the source in the reference list.
  • Authors should not assume that any content which is freely available on the web is free to use. Authors should check the website for details of the copyright holder to seek permission for re-use.

Articles submitted to the journal should not have been published before in their current or substantially similar form, or be under consideration for publication with another journal. Authors submitting articles for publication warrant that the work is not an infringement of any existing copyright and will indemnify the publisher against any breach of such warranty. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication. Authors can allow others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work’s authorship and initial publication in this journal.

 Peer review process

Each paper is reviewed by the editors and, if it is judged suitable for this publication, it is then sent to at least two independent referees for double blind peer review. Based on their recommendation, as well as consultation between relevant Editorial Board members the editors then decide whether the paper should be accepted as is, revised or rejected.

Journal Editorial Criteria

The journal evaluates papers based on four main criteria as follows:

The subject matter must be of critical importance to the comparative education, science and technology communities; the research question/s must fall within the New Era’s scope and the research itself must be well designed and executed; and on the whole the paper must be well presented – well written and conforming to the New Era’s style.

Contact Address:  New Era Journal, WEF Secretary General: “Doutta Galla”, 54 Fox Lane, London N13 4AL, England, United Kingdom.